The days are still blending together for me, but I’m less exhausted. Just a little less exhausted, but even that is something.
I’ve been working on a map in Photoshop. I’m a huge nerd for tabletop rpgs, and I have two of the Pugmire source books that I’ve been dying to run a game in. Sadly, the maps in the books available so far have maps of specific areas, but not a full world map. So I’ve been trying to make my own. It’s going well so far, but I wanted to draw some dotted lines to mark country/kingdom borders. I never knew how to do that in Photoshop before. I could do a straight dotted line with a pattern fill, but if I wanted a curvy dotted line, I had no clue how to do it.
And now I know. A half hour of google searching and video tutorials coupled with finding menus in Photoshop that I did not previously know existed, and I’ve got my fancy curving dotted lines. Before the end times, I probably would not have been that happy about it. But right now, every little piece of joy, however small and silly, is really exciting.